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The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) is a Surrey based Multi-Academy Trust, comprising four secondary, six primary and two special schools with two further under development. We are proud of our ethos of collaboration and inclusion, "Bringing out the best" in students of all abilities and backgrounds. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Remote Learning Guidance

At Kenyngton Manor we are committed to ensuring that all pupils continue to receive the highest quality of education possible. Our contingency plan for remote learning is informed by the latest guidance from the Department for Education and feedback from parents.

This Remote Learning Plan is driven by the following overarching principles:

  1. Our obligation to ensure the safety of pupils, parents and staff
  2. Our commitment to the welfare and wellbeing of pupils and staff
  3. Approaching the planning task in a measured and deliberate way
  4. Making the best possible decisions on the basis of the evidence we have and within the constrains and parameters we face in our schools and across the Trust

Remote learning will be made available in the following 3 staged approach:

  • - Stage 1: ‘Get going work’ If a child of family need to suddenly self-isolate children should access the isolation learning (see below). Where this is not possible, they can access the get going learning on the school website for up to 3 days. Here a range of resources and online learning tools will continually be available to allow children to carry on learning across the curriculum.
  • - Stage 2: ‘Isolation work’ Where a household is isolating due to a positive test result or following Test and Trace guidance (after first 48 hours), a Remote Learning Plan will be provided on the website and through our online platforms to more closely reflect the learning continuing in class.
  • - Stage 3: ‘Remote Learning’ – Where an individual class, bubble has had to close, or the whole school has partially closed due to a lockdown, a full remote learning virtual offer will be made available to all pupils. This will comprise of daily video content for core and foundation learning, through high quality pre-recorded videos and teacher live video sessions so children receive a regular face to face time with a teacher to support with their learning and wellbeing.

Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in school the teachers have used the Oak lesson context, but have moved to delivering the lessons themselves, adapting to the needs of the children where appropriate. In PE, our PE coaches deliver additional PE sessions to each year group over the week.

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:

Remote teaching and study time each day

Early Years

KS1 (Year 1 + 2)

KS2 (Yr3,4,5+6)

At least 3 hours 

(including live video sessions and daily activities set)

At least  4 hours

(including live video sessions and pre-recorded lessons)

At least  4.5 hours

 (including live video sessions and pre-recorded lessons)

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

For stage 1, ‘Get Going Learning’ will be access through out website under the School Life tab. For stages 2 and 3 a weekly timetable can be accessed through out website under the School Life tab, but the primary route will be through our online learning platforms Showbie (KS1 and 2) and Tapestry (EYFS). Here our pupils will have the ability to access live and recorded lessons, upload their work directly to their teacher, and receive individual feedback to support their progress.


How will my child be taught remotely during stage 3?

A blended approach of live and pre-recorded content will be accessible for children each day. Across the years, each year group can access 2 main live video teaching sessions, one in the morning and one after lunchtime. Some children may also be invited to additional supportive group sessions. This allows us to support pupils’ wellbeing and their engagement in learning and provide sessions where pupils can ‘check in’ live with their teacher.

Due to the many households where more than one sibling or person may need to share devices or Wifi it has been necessary for us to use a staggered timetable. The timetable for live sessions is provided below to allow for this.


Year Group

Live Video

Rise and Shine Register

Live Video

Learning Review clinic

Story time via link or live video




From 14:00

Year 1



From 14:00

Year 2



From 14:00

Year 3



From 14:00

Year 4



From 14:00

Year 5



From 14:00

Year 6



From 14:00


If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will the school support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

  • Parents can request the loan of a THPT laptop (and dongle if required) by contacting the school office by email:
  • Where access to the internet or a device presents a barrier, the school will work closely to support families and will ensure that the appropriate support is put in place. If, in certain circumstances, copies of learning via paper packs are required then this can be provided for parents.

What are the school’s expectations for staff, pupils and parents/carers?

Our teaching staff will:

  • Provide a weekly schedule for pupils to follow, allowing for a flexible approach that is supportive of a family’s wellbeing.
  • Upload daily learning activities and tasks onto Showbie/Tapestry.
  • Prioritise reading activities and provide a daily story time video.
  • Provide clear explanations and modelling of new concepts.
  • Provide regular feedback to pupils work whilst they are learning at home.
  • Provide with opportunity to communicate with pupils at least once a week, including live video sessions and phone calls.

Our pupils will be expected to:

  • Join the ‘Rise & Shine Registration Sessions’ each morning
  • Engage with and complete home learning activities that have been set.
  • Upload their learning as requested – photo/video/document of their work output.
  • Respond to any feedback given.
  • Watch their story time each day.
  • Use online resources such as BBC Bitesize, MyOn, Purple Mash, NumBots, TT Rockstars, Oak National Academy and any other resources provided by the school.

Parents and carers are responsible for:

  • Establishing a consistent, positive space for learning with their child.
  • Setting a clear routine with each child using the schedule provided and the set daily learning.
  • Reading all communications that come out from the school and the class teacher to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with news.
  • Supporting their children to access and complete the learning set.
  • Liaising with school staff and seek support on behalf of their child when needed, with class teacher via school email.
  • Ensuring courtesy and politeness to any member of staff within any communication.
  • Providing access to the learning offered for their children via an internet enabled device and alert the school where this presents a barrier.
  • Supporting their children by uploading completed work for assessment and feedback.
  • Supporting their children by responding to feedback given to consolidate or deepen learning.
  • Ensuring that communication in any format shared by our staff through our online platform is treated with strict confidence and is not to be shared outside of the platform or on any other forms of social media.

How will the school check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

We track daily online engagement through our live video sessions and children’s’ work submitted on the learning platforms. We expect all children learning from home to attend the daily Rise and Shine register session. This engagement is regularly monitored, and if we have any concerns regarding children’s engagement, parents are contacted to discuss the reasons why and how we can support with this.

How will the school support parents and children to set up effective patterns of home learning?

At KMS we have prioritised 5 practices we, as a school, would want to instil in children and parents as they embark on remote learning:

Children will learn most effectively at home if they have:

  1. Space to learn
  2. Time to talk about thoughts and feelings
  3. A sense of belonging
  4. Routine – work, rest and play, online and offline
  5. Strategies if they get stuck

Tips will be shared related to each of the STARS points in our school newsletter. Links to useful resources supporting development of STARS points will be shared on our school website.


Our Home School Link Worker will be available to provide pastoral support for children and families.


We will have a ‘Virtual Worry Box’ in each Showbie class room  - this will include a space for children to share worries and concerns, and links to videos to support children’s mental health and wellbeing.


Small group virtual sessions with our ELSA and Learning Mentor will enable specific children to receive appropriate support and contact.

How will the school assess my child’s work and progress?

During live sessions teachers can make assessments of the children’s learning through listening to childrens’ responses to check their understanding and observing their learning, including checking answers. Children can, and are encouraged to, submit/upload their work to Showbie and Tapestry each day. Teachers regularly check each day and respond to children’s work, giving feedback where appropriate, within 24 hours of receiving the work.

How will the school work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • Regular contact from the school to support engagement and motivation
  • Where appropriate, an adjusted curriculum to meet the needs of the child is put in place

Remote education for self-isolating pupils (Stage 2 - Isolation Work)

Where individual pupils need to self-isolate, but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.

If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?

When a child needs to self-isolate at home, a weekly timetable of government approved pre-recorded lessons and suggested activities is provided via our website and through Showbie and Tapestry. Children can then upload evidence of their learning to the online platforms and teacher feedback regularly throughout the week, as part of their weekly teaching in school, The lessons have been chosen to align with learning in school as much as possible, in line with our well-sequenced curriculum and ambitious curriculum.